Entering the blogosphere (Yay).

Hello Everyone! As you probably already know, I’m completely new to the amazing blogosphere so I’m pretty inexperienced! But, by visiting some absolutely fantastic blogs, I’m officially inspired to express myself in the most creative way I can! By the way,this will probably be an incredibly short post as I have no idea of what to write about. I think this post is just to say hello and welcome to my blog unless I do find something interesting to say, which doesn’t happen often! Oh and most importantly, I have a small reminder of what my blog really is about.


Purposes of my blog:

  1. To make people happy and smile because everyone needs to have some sort of optimistic feelings everyday!
  2. To relieve people from their sad thoughts.
  3. To make people realise what life is really about.
  4. To remind people of the major things in the world.
  5. To make people have a good day always!




P.S: Keep smiling often!







23 thoughts on “Entering the blogosphere (Yay).

  1. Welcome in!! And don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it. Everyone was once a newbie….no wait I’m still a newbie lol.. Love what your blog is about… Just be you and you’ll be amazing in everything cause you’re your own best not trying to be someone else best… You inspired me to smile this evening, so here 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere! I am sure your blog will be very successful if you put in effort and keep browsing other blogs! It’s a great cure for writers block, and, in my opinion, the best way to earn followers! Once again, good luck!

    – Olivia ♡

    Liked by 2 people

      1. My pleasure. Now, don’t worry: I have never been able to post daily. I have some friends who do, but I find very difficult with my type of posts. One of my goals until the end of the year is to see if I can work out a system to post daily. Working on it. Have a lovely week-end.


    1. Thanks, Elm! I’ve heard that you’re an amazing person and the evidence is obviously your creative blog! I find you very funny and interesting. Oh, and I really appreciate it that you like what I do! I always love to see great comments like your’s!

      Keep smiling! 🙂



      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m not joking when I say that this has made my day. Thank you so so much – see, this is why I admire you, for your kind words! 🙂


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